Tonika's Blog

Unlock the Power of Medicinal Mushrooms: A Guide to Functional Fungi

by Michele Scarce on

Unlock the Power of Medicinal Mushrooms: A Guide to Functional Fungi

Adaptogens: Your Resilient Allies in the Face of Stress.

by Michele Scarce on

In our fast-paced lives, stress can often feel unavoidable. That's where adaptogens come in—a remarkable group of plants and mushrooms...

Harnessing the Power of Ashwagandha: Unveiling the Ancient Secrets for Modern Wellness.

by Michele Scarce on

Welcome to a captivating journey into Ashwagandha, an extraordinary medicinal herb deeply rooted in Ayurvedic traditions. This blog will explore...

Kick start your morning with Thrive

by Michele Scarce on

MCT oil is also known to help slow release the caffeine in your body and therefore by adding this to...

Chaga Mushroom - Our BodyGuard!

by Krisztina Mendonca on

Immunity is such a hot topic and for good reason, we need it to feel good, stay healthy and fight...

What are Functional Foods?

by Michele Scarce on

Talk is increasing about Functional Foods. But what are they? "Functional foods are foods that may have a positive effect on...

Ashwagandha - Benefits as a New Mum

by Michele Scarce on

Cue sleep deprivation, not knowing what to do, trying to figure out what your baby needs on top of dealing...

Cacao Maca Creamer and Hot Chokky!

by Rowena Benbow on

We're revolutionising your morning! We're not just spicing up your morning coffee, we're re-designing it. Improve your ability to respond to...